--In my 2nd Edition of Cruising Connecticut with a Picnic Basket I added a note to the Downtown Cabaret Theatre chapter to the effect that musicals were expected to be offered only intermittently during the year.
So, I was particularly pleased to receive a mailing announcing that 42nd Street "Direct from the Tropicana in Atlantic City" will be playing from November 21st to January 4th. Personally, I am looking forward to this production and wanted to share the information with my readers.
Check their website for other scheduled shows during the coming months. http://www.downtowncabaret.org/.
--There is a new website that showcases products grown in Connecticut. Check out http://www.buyctgrown.com/ for a list of fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products, seafood and much more. They are all listed with easy access to the farms (including maps) where these items can be found.
I was curious about the season for broccoli, but it seemed to be the only vegetable not on the list. Although there is a "Chart of Seasonality" it wasn't coming up, so I simply telephoned the farm. I was told that broccoli should be available in a couple of weeks, which will be in time to make my Bleu Broccoli for an upcoming picnic. (If you do not have my book but would like a great new broccoli salad recipe, email me and I'll send it to you. (jan@cruisingconnecticut.com)
The other information on this site wasn't as impressive. For example, when I clicked on Events, there was only one listed, for October 11, 2008. And the exciting Topics on this page, like Farmers' Markets, Farm Tour, Cooking Demonstrations and the like all brought up the same message, "No events. Sorry. Please choose another category." I guess because the site is new, they do not have all the information posted yet.
--Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center in Mystic (http://www.dpnc.org/) always has a lot of special activities planned. One in particular, a July 22nd trip to Garden in the Woods, home of the New England Wildflower Society in Framingham, Mass. caused me to reflect on my six week Connecticut Spring Wildflower Hunt back in 1973. That adventure turned my day tripping into a passion, which in turn led to writing Cruising Connecticut. Isn't it fascinating that just one step out of our normal routine or comfort zone can lead us to the most wonderful places!
My Potted Clivia Miniata
My farm is covered with patches of snow and ice, but inside my home I have
beautiful, healthy, lush container plants - specifically, bright orange and
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