I may be wintering in Florida, but my heart is back in Connecticut with friends and family who are trying to cope with the mountains of snow and sending me photos so I can see what I am missing! Oh, and waiting for the next storm.
Thinking back to a lifetime of winters in Connecticut I realized the times I actually enjoyed this season as opposed to merely tolerating it was when I was outside participating in a sport or activity: hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, building a snow fort or a snowman, having a snowball fight, ice skating (with those big, inviting bonfires!)
If you are experiencing cabin fever at this point why not plan a winter picnic. And, just so you won’t think I have lost my mind I did an online search to see if I could find some like-minded individuals. It turns out there are plenty of folks getting outdoors for some good old-fashioned fun.
Check these out:
1.www.foodandwine.com. In search bar type in: “A Chef’s Incredible Winter Picnic” and read how chef Ken Oringer combines his yearly tradition of cutting down a Christmas Tree with a tailgating party. Of course, you don’t want to wait until next December ~ simply replace that activity with another. He also shares some tempting recipes.
2.www.associatedcontent.com. In search bar type in: “Planning a Winter Picnic.” This article by J.E. Davidson prompted one reader to respond by recalling that when they were children they went cross-country skiing in a state park with finger sandwiches packed in backpacks and when they came to a picnic table they just brushed the snow off and sat down to eat. He ended with “It was sooo cool!” Sometimes as adults we forget how much joy children get from the simplest pleasures.
3.www.simplebites.net/ideas-and-tips-for-a-winter-picnic-in-the-snow. This article by Aimee is a great resource for enjoying winter and picnicking with kids.
4.www.picnicrecipesandgames.com/winter-picnic-ideas.htm. Includes Picnic Ideas for both Romantic and Family picnics.
5.www.cruisingconnecticut.com. Click on “What’s In Your Picnic Basket” to access my hot spiced cider recipe to help keep the chill away.
Hopefully these sites will inspire you to lift out your insulated containers and your warmest socks and mittens and on the first free day that the temperature reaches an acceptable level, get outside and enjoy a winter picnic. You’ll never feel the same way about winter again.
My Potted Clivia Miniata
My farm is covered with patches of snow and ice, but inside my home I have
beautiful, healthy, lush container plants - specifically, bright orange and
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