I rather enjoyed turning the calendar page from December to January this year. Along with so many, I'm mustering up the hope that 2010 will be better for everyone, but also on a personal note, I am optimistic about both short and long-term goals.
Maybe I am splitting hairs, but I prefer the more serious image that the word "goal" evokes rather than the word "resolution" traditionally used at this time of year. Maybe it's because the latter is usually preceded by "New Year's..." and so often broken in the same time it takes the ball to drop in Times Square.
Anyway, my short-term goal will be realized as fast as I sprout my snowbird wings and fly to warmer weather. Being in a new place both mentally and physically, I will eagerly begin writing my new book about a retired woman (that's me!) traveling x-country to visit 10 National Parks, both solo and on-the-cheap. The fact that it is a travel book will be the only resemblance to my first book, Cruising Connecticut with a Picnic Basket. Because I spent only a brief time in each location (compared to dozens of visits to each of my destinations in Cruising Connecticut), the key components of day tripping, picnicking and recipes will be abandoned.
So, what will be the focus of my new book? Perhaps part memoir, with a sprinkling of inspiration, and a few how-to's sprinkled here and there, like how-to travel alone without being lonely." What do the readers of this blog like, or dislike, about traveling solo? And, how do you keep from being lonely? I'd love to hear from you.
I love how travel author David Yeadon describes traveling alone in The Way of the Wanderer, "We have to be alone to touch our inner selves. And, if we cannot touch ourselves, how can we truly touch anyone else?"
Happy New Year! Whether you have resolutions or goals for 2010, may they be achieved easily and happily.
My Potted Clivia Miniata
My farm is covered with patches of snow and ice, but inside my home I have
beautiful, healthy, lush container plants - specifically, bright orange and
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